Remote file dependencies in Capistrano

Remote file dependencies in Capistrano

Rake's File Tasks allow us to define steps to create a file and to add the File Task as a prerequisite. This can be useful when deploying an application that depends on configuration files not checked in to the repo.

Capistrano Version 3 - 7 reasons to be excited about deployment

In the Ruby world, Capistrano has been the de-facto standard for deploying applications since it’s release in 2006. This summer however, it’s time to get excited about deployment again  - version three is on the edge of a beta release and this feels like the perfect time to share some of the features about which I’m most excited.

Vim - My .vimrc Highlights

Vim - My .vimrc Highlights

Moving from TextMate to Vim is probably the most significant change I’ve made to my daily development over the last year - and I’m amazed by how much difference it’s made. A few weeks back though a blog post convinced me to go one step further - I took a deep breath and deleted my entire vim install.

4 steps to faster Rails tests

4 steps to faster Rails tests

I love testing now, but I wasn’t always this way. Although I could instinctively understand the benefits of writing tests, I never properly understood the benefits of test driven development until around 18 months ago when working on my first gem for On the Beach.